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Kathy shares what her voters can look forward to as she sets her sights on the General Election

"Let me be clear about my role as I move forward. I work for, and am accountable to you only - my constituents."

I'm honored to know that so many voters in Elmbrook's School district have affirmed my run for the district's school board and am amazed at your turn out . 39% of you came to vote, which is unheard of coming from a 100% grassroot movement!

Many have shared their frustrations with me in seeing our school's declining scores with the rise of identity and CRT issues distracting our academic curriculums, while forcing equity to drive same outcomes regardless of efforts, achievements or personal accountability.

Let me be clear about my role as I move forward. I work for and am accountable to you only - my constituents. You continue to demonstrate that you're aligned with those values that I hold dear for both our children and our community. In partnership, we'll fight to defend and uphold the academic values, restore its rigor and strengthen the moral courage that bond us together.

"To my opponents - I’ll continue to shine a light on the contrasts of our vision and convictions."

To my opponents - I’ll continue to shine a light on the contrasts of our vision and convictions. My message is clear and it is that of our Elmbrook District Community.

If you resonate with my vision, direction, conviction and courage, then stand WITH me as I stand with you as the grassroot movement to Vote out what is not working and course correct by casting your vote for me, Kathy Lim, on April 5th!

Kids Win with Kathy LIM. We got this! Let's go!


Kathy LIM for Elmbrook Schools

Kathy offers her views on why our
School Board members matter and
how those who serve
will impact our children and America's future.

Message from Kathy~
Why School Boards matter? What is really at stake?

"In a world of increasing evil and deception, who will protect our children?"

Some may think, Oh it’s just a school board position, it’s not that important. Over the past couple of years, I have come to understand just how important the school board is. In a world of increasing evil and deception, who will protect our children? It is a parent’s calling for sure; however, when we send our children to be instructed and molded for the majority of their waking hours, we better believe it matters who oversees this instruction.

"If it cannot be done by deceiving the parents, then it is being done in class rooms."

The reason we have seen so much news regarding school boards and the disrespect of the parental role is because the agenda is about coming for the children. If it cannot be done by deceiving the parents, (and so many are becoming wise to what’s happening in the schools); then it is being done in class rooms. It is time to be bold and courageous. We are in a battle for the next generation.

"It is about the adults picking a path YOU want to be on, the future YOUR children will be left with..."

As I drove around our Elmbrook district neighborhoods during my campaign, I had a deep ah-ha moment and a sense of honor that it is not my fight alone, not just about me standing up for my own belief and conviction.  It is about the adults picking a path YOU want to be on, the future YOUR children will be left with, and choose how YOU will HONOR those who have sown good seeds here in Elmbrook for their posterity.

"Freedom is never taken away—it is given away by your silence."

Kids are suffering, caught in the war adults are waging.  It's time for adults to show up and start adulting by casting YOUR vote for Kathy LIM so kids can have a winning chance for THEIR future.

Thank you all for standing WITH me! With sincere gratitude,

Kathy LIM for Elmbrook Schools

Kathy LIM responds to a misleading story published by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
note: this online story is now hidden behind a paywall

If you haven't heard, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is claiming that I used a friend and colleague's endorsement without her permission. Here are the facts behind this absurd allegation.

I contacted my friend and former colleague, Amy Margeson and asked if she would endorse me in my campaign for a seat on Elmbrook's School Board.  Amy agreed and our campaign used it on both the website and for door-hanger flyers.

On January 31, 2022, Amy contacted me and said that I was to immediately discontinue any usage of the endorsement for any campaign related purposes.

Although I found this request unusual, as a courtesy to my friend, I directed my team to immediately take down the website endorsement page and discontinue door-hanger distributions. These were completed within one hour’s time.

The J/S article first states erroneously that Amy's endorsements were also used in USPS mailing campaigns. They were not.

I'm also confused by the quote printed by J/S, where it appears that Amy says she "did not agree to the use of any comments or statements on candidate materials", but goes on to say, "I did not endorse any political candidate for the position of Elmbrook school board from a personal or professional  capacity."

Unfortunately, the documented conversation between us disputes these claims.

As I have not heard from any officials from Advocate Aurora Healthcare regarding AAH endorsement usage, I can only assume this is an internal policy matter within the company. My campaign now considers this matter closed and I have instructed my team to restore the endorsements page without Amy's contribution.


Kathy LIM for Elmbrook Schools

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