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Support, Retain & Recruit quality teachers...

Leadership is important.

Every teacher who works hard every day to teach our children deserves to know and feel confident that the administration and leadership will support them. I believe support and accountability go hand in hand. I always led and made it my priority to invest where the work is being done, the frontline- into our classrooms for students and teachers to thrive and grow.

After Covid, there are learning gaps, and behavior management has been difficult. It's happening all over our country. Teachers should not feel alone in these challenges. We all need to come together, keep the whole system accountable to focusing on academics, and try to be the change we want to see. Teachers are the pivotal piece of this, and I want to ensure they are given the value and respect they deserve. We must invest to retain and recruit quality teachers whose philosophy of teaching resonates with that of Elmbrook district parents and community.

Silence means consent. As I always challenged nurses to stand up for our own profession to do right by our patients, I would ask the same of the teachers to do right by your students and their learning. God bless~

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